Dr. David Kaufman
Dr. David Kaufman
Dr. David Kaufman

Dr. David Kaufman


Dr. David Kaufman holds advanced degrees in linguistics and anthropology and has done extensive work in the preservation and revitalization of Native American languages. He is a polyglot as well as linguistic anthropologist and uses a cross-field (linguistic, ethnographic, cultural, and archaeological) approach in many of his writings. He has taught and tutored Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, and Russian. His primary foci are on comparative-historical Siouan, Romance, and Germanic linguistics, although his interests go far beyond this in the realms of language, history, anthropology, and other fields. He is from San Francisco but currently lives in Wisconsin

Dr. David Kaufman


Dr. David Kaufman

Mobilian Trade Language Phrasebook and Lexicon

Mobilian was a trade language, or pidgin, spoken up until the mid-1950s in the US Southeast and Midwest based on Choctaw and Alabama (Muskogean). It may date back to the Mississippian cultural period of pre-European North America. Many are expressing interest in reviving it.

Dr. David Kaufman


Atakapa Dictionary and Grammar 

(Forthcoming) The Atakapa are an indigenous people of the Southeastern Woodlands who historically lived along the Gulf of Mexico. Their language became extinct in the early twentieth century.

Dr. David Kaufman

